Kyra Abrahamson (née Doubek) | (she/her)

Kyra Abrahamson lives with her family on Ql̓ispé trust land in Eastern Washington. She is the descendent of Irish-European settler-colonialists, refugees, and immigrants. During her early years, Kyra was raised in Alaska and the Port Madison Indian Reservation with her Momma and Poppa (Robert G. Sowle II, kiks.adi Tlingit). Her Poppa continues to be an influence through his teachings and dedication during the 90’s to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS throughout Alaska and advocacy before Congress in Washington DC.

Kyra intimately understands the unique dynamics that allow exploitation to exist in our communities as a second generation survivor of child sexual exploitation. Throughout her teens and 20’s Kyra experienced sexual and labor exploitation in Oregon and Washington. In December of 2012, Kyra began to recover from the traumatic experiences of her exploitation, and received services from the Organization for Prostitution Survivors.

Since exiting, Kyra has become an internationallyand nationally recognized human trafficking subject matter expert with a background in direct service, advocacy, policy development, training, technical assistance, and prevention initiatives. During her career, she has contributed to groundbreaking anti-human exploitation initiatives with the United Nations, Port of Seattle, Attorney’s General Office, and various state and local task forces.